6 Things to Consider When Investing in 3D Pipe Bends

September 25th, 2022

Pipe bends improve flow efficiency and can save you time and money in installation costs, and the 3D pipe bend is one option. You may be inclined to think a 3D pipe bend is a three-dimensional bend, but it isn’t. Here’s an explanation of what it is, plus some considerations to help you decide how to get your 3D pipe bending done.

  1. Know what you need. In this case, the D refers to the pipe’s outer diameter. A 3D pipe bend has a curve radius of three times the pipe’s outside diameter. It’s a more gradual bend than a 1.5D bend but sharper than a 5D bend.
  1. Hire an experienced company. There are many pipe and metal fabrication companies on the market. For precision bends to exact specifications, you need a company with experience. Unproven companies increase the risk of reworks, delays and safety hazards from product failure. All these consequences can balloon your project costs.

Moreover, ensure the company you hire has experience in your industry. Pipe bending for oil and gas refineries differs from pipe bending for handrails and automotive parts.

  1. Do your research. When choosing a pipe bending company, be sure to read reviews from customers. Go beyond testimonials on the company’s website. Many companies will mention their clients on their sites, so do a little legwork and reach out to these former clients directly to get their take. Did the company deliver on time? On budget? Were they communicative and responsive to their needs?
  1. Looking for customization. Not all metal fabrication companies deliver customized bending. If your project demands intricate and precise specifications, you need a company that can work with you to meet the needs of your project.
  1. Ask about turnaround time. Time is money, and you don’t want pipe fabrication company delays holding up your entire project. Ensure the company you hire can deliver your products on time and ask how quickly they can finish the job.
  1. Look for other services. If you have a pipe bending project, you may also need metal forming, structural steel bending, painting, coating and lining. You may save money by getting all your metal fabrication done in one place.

Custom pipe bending in Alberta, throughout Canada and the USA

At Advanced Bending Technologies, our team has extensive experience bending pipe and tubing for various applications. Partnering with our sister company, Advanced Flow Systems, we can also provide painting, coating, lining and more. Whatever your needs, our capable technical staff will work with you to meet the specific requirements of your project. Contact us today and ask us for a free quote.